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Islam-ucoii.it - - A list of mosques and Islamic centres and associations in Italy (in Italian only)
Arabroma.com - - A website dedicated to the Arab world (in Italian and Arab)
Arab.it - - A bilingual site where Italian and Arab cultures meet and mingle
Palermo on the Web - - An online tourist guide to Sicily's main city
Islam in Sicily - - An article on the Muslim religion in Sicily from the first English-only Sicilian webzine
Catania - - Information on Catania from the Sicilian Culture website
Stranieri in Italia - - Lots of useful information for foreign immigrants to Italy
Mazara del Vallo - - An online guide to Mazaro del Vallo
Visit Sicily with ItaliaPlease
Islamic Art - - A article in Dionysus magazine on an important new museum. (In Italian only with English version due in future)

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