LateRooms - Find a Hotel In Italy One of the most efficient websites in to find accommodation in Italy. It allows you to view availability and price for hotels at a glance - with information showing for the day before and the day after the date of your choice. Prices are discounted up to 70% - so book now and get more for your money.
Hotel reservation (by Venere) Hotel reservation, Bed & Breakfasts, apartments and other accommodation.
Hotel Reservation - Find the right hotel for you! (by ITWG) It's simple find the right hotel using the map of ITWG (Italian Tourist Web Guide). Verify the availability, give a look to the room and, if you like it, make a reservation!
Hotels discovery (find your hotel in Italy) You may search for a good hote using unusual parameter like wi-fi access, pets allowed and so on. Order the results for price or review and find the cheapest accomodation in Italy.
Ticketclic An on-line source for event information, ticket sales of the most important museums and theme parks.
Best Western Hotel The Best Western group is the largest chain of independent hotels in the world. The group boasts over 120 three and four-star hotels in Italy which you can view and book online.
Italy Hotels B&Bs holiday farms Advanced search and secure online reservation for hotels bed and breakfast holiday farms in florence, siena, rome and all Italy