Hotels in the Italian Mountains by Venere Cortina, Cervinia and other cities in Alps and Dolomites. Each accomodation has a user's review for a better choice
Hotel Reservation - Find the right hotel for you! (by ITWG) It's simple find the right hotel using the map of ITWG (Italian Tourist Web Guide). Verify the availability, give a look to the room and, if you like it, make a reservation!
La Boscaglia, Walking Tours Walking and Trekking holidays that will bring you through some of the most beautiful parts of Italy. Each trek is graded by difficulty and all guides are officially registered in the Italian Association of Environment and Excursion Guides.
Snow report Essential information for anyone going skiing or on a winter sports holiday.
Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Duca degli Abruzzi A unique museum dedicated to Italy's (and the world's) great peaks and a must-see for mountaineers and historians alike. The museum includes an important permanent exhibition as well as hosting a series of travelling or short-term shows.
Refuges and bivouacs Contains useful information on Italy's mountain refuge huts including, where available, photos, maps and online booking facilities. The news page has up-to-date information on all of the association's structures.