Whiskey in the Jar
There'll not be a dry eye on March 17th as pints flow, glasses are raised and Irish immigrants all over Italy toast the land they left behind.

There are only two essential ingredients to ensure a good night's craic: music and drink. And if you're with a group of Irish people you'll be sure of both of these.
The man himself
St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, and every year his feast day falls on March 17th. Patrick first came to Ireland as a slave in the 5th century, but he escaped to Europe and became a Christian priest. Patrick returned to Ireland as a bishop and is credited with introducing Christianity to Ireland.
He used a shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish and since then shamrocks have become a symbol of Ireland. Legend says that Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland - the Irish claim he sent them off to England - and that is the reason why there are no wild snakes in Ireland to this day.
This year the Irish charity Goal has organized a 'buy-a-badge' campaign. By buying a shamrock-shaped badge you can help people in the developing world.
Drowning the shamrock

Missing home
You wouldn't be Irish if you didn't feel a bit homesick on Paddy's Day. Keep in touch with what's happening back at home by reading the Irish Times . Surprise your family by sending then a Saint Patrick's Day card . Cheer up - there's lots of Irish-stuff going on in Italy too. The Celtic World Association keeps up-to-date listings of all Celtic-interest events in Italy and the AICI (Associazione Interculturale Italo-Irlandese) organizes meetings and film evenings for its members. And finish off with a visit to our friend Lorenzo's homepage. It's a goldmine of information for musicians and listeners alike.