Maria Cleary
i grew up in northern ireland to the sound of police sirens and stiff little fingers. the good fairy left me a lifetime's supply of black humour to keep smiling even when all's grey. i love books: moby dick and the butcher's boy; and making up
stories for liam
and michael, 2 little celts born in italy.i listen
to tom waits when i'm happy, sad, up and down but
when my friends complain there are reams of notes
to dance to. i can't live without the sea, especially
in winter.
my dream is to paint the picture in my head. there's
only one problem: i don't know a paintbrush from a
hairbrush. i've been in italy for 6 years now but
i've never really left ireland.most of all i miss
the words and music . . .and the cider that makes
them come easy.