Hotel Reservation - Find the right hotel for you! (by ITWG) It's simple find the right hotel using the map of ITWG (Italian Tourist Web Guide). Verify the availability, give a look to the room and, if you like it, make a reservation!
Montecatini Terme A clear and concise one-page site on one of the most famous sparesorts in the world. Includes a map with details on how to reach Montecatini, information on the area, free-time activities and sports in the area and an e-mail address for those who want to find out more.
The Fucecchio Marshes The Padule of Fucecchio is a wet land of wide naturalistic interest and forms, with its 1.800 hectares between the bounderies of the Fiorentine and Pistoiese Provinces, the largest Italian inland wet land.