Hotel reservation (by Venere) Hotel reservation, Bed & Breakfasts, apartments and other accommodation.
Hotel Reservation - Find the right hotel for you! (by ITWG) It's simple find the right hotel using the map of ITWG (Italian Tourist Web Guide). Verify the availability, give a look to the room and, if you like it, make a reservation!
Kim's Capuchins' Catacombs Corpses of Palermo This is a photographic trip to the Capuchins' Catacombs
located in Palermo, Italy. There are thousands of corpses lined on the walls like paintings. The catacombs date back to the 1599 when the local priests mummified a holy monk for all to see. They wanted to pray to him after death. In time the locals wanted their relatives remembered in this same way. Soon there were hundreds of corpses.