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Product Description
Perfect for year-round use, this Brown bedding set provides the ultimate in comfort. Always hypoallergenic, this 4ps cotton complete bedding set is perfect for people with and without allergies. [b]Materials:[/b]100-percent cotton [b]Color:[/b]Brown
[b]Product Description:[/b] Perfect for year-round use, this Brown bedding set provides the ultimate in comfort. Always hypoallergenic, this 4ps cotton complete bedding set is perfect for people with and without allergies. [b]Set includes:[/b]Quiltcover, Flat Sheet, two standard sham [b]Style:[/b]Patterned [b]Fabric detail:[/b]Printed [b]Pattern:[/b]Stripes [b]Materials:[/b]100-percent cotton [b]Color:[/b]Brown [b]Weight:[/b]3kg [b]Care instructions:[/b]Machine washable [b]Full Dimensions(For bed size 5ft)[/b] [b]Quiltcover:[/b]W200 x L230 cm(W78 x L91") [b]Flat Sheet:[/b]W230 x L245 cm(W91 x L96") [b]Sham:[/b]W48 x L74 cm(W19 x L29") [b]Queen Dimensions(For bed size 6ft)[/b] [b]Quiltcover:[/b]W220 x L240 cm(W87 x L95") [b]Flat Sheet:[/b]W245 x L270 cm(W96 x L106") [b]Sham:[/b]W48 x L74 cm(W19 x L29") [b]Tips:[/b]Tips: The bedding set is made of 100-percent high density cotton, which is soft with good hygroscopicity, great breathability and low pilling. Hand-washing is highly recommended. And the soaking time should be within 15 minutes. If you want to use machine-washing method, you should keep the water temperature under 30 degree. So as to make the items feel softer and hard to fade, please wash them in cold water before the first usage.
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